The 40th annual Bike Ride to Rippey (BRR), sponsored by the Perry Chamber is Commerce, is this Saturday, Feb. 4.
The route, from Perry to Rippey and back, will take hundreds of bicyclists to Rippey, and organizations are preparing to welcome them with food and beverages.
The Rippey fire department will host a beer tent at the fire station. Walking tacos and beer will be served, and a DJ will provide music. Persons must be 21 or older to enter the tent.
The THUG (True Heroes Under God) youth group at the Rippey United Methodist church will serve a baked potato bar, homemade dessert bars, pie and beverages. All proceeds will go toward the youth group’s summer mission trip to Philadelphia, PA.
Finally, the Rippey Lions Club will serve roast beef sundaes, chili, homemade bars and beverages a the Community Center.
Riders will leave Perry beginning at 10 am and must return by 7 pm.